Monday, October 20, 2008

Quran & the Bible, a scientific comparison

InsyaAllah, Lajnah Tarbiyyah Rakan Masjid will once again organise a public lecture on Comparative Religion with a title "Quran & the Bible, a scientific comparison?".

the detail of the lecture will be as follow

venue : Masjid An-Nur UTP
Date : 26 October 2008
Day : Sunday Night
time : After Magrib Prayer.

the lecture will be given by a student who have depth interest in the subject of Comparative Religion. All students, local and foreigners are welcomed to this gathering.

note: this lecture is not to condemn any other beliefs or religion but rather an approach of knowledge through research to know more about religion of the world. But most significantly, we want to find the truth and where it lies.

please spread the message.

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